Listen Up!

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. James 1:19-20

Do you listen well? I know I do not and am trying to get better. I get distracted easy. Squirrel. And because of this some people trying to talk to me become very frustrated. Between that and not hearing well to begin with it can be miserable. 

My latest subject of not listening well was my precious excited 4 year old granddaughter trying to show me her new ice skates over a FaceTime call. A variety of distractions kept me from fully engaging in the conversation and she got frustrated and left the conversation. The persons I don’t want to cause to be upset are my grandchildren. 

Do you need to be a better listener when it comes to not only your family but for friends prayer requests and even listening for God’s still small voice? Being still one of the things I write about lots and is a key in becoming a better listener. Hopefully in the years to come I will have ears wide open and not distracted from hearing and listening to both of my sweet granddaughters. 

PRAYERS: Father I need to just sit and be still and give full attention without outside distractions when someone is talking to me whether on the phone or in person. Help me Lord, I need you in this. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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