It’s ‘Down’ Today

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-3 NIV Bible Gateway

Darn don’t you hate blank screen, error messages and so forth. Back in the ‘olden days’ the only real error message I recall is “The trouble is not in your set” which popped up on our families whopping 3 channel TV set. 

Whatever todays’ generation is called, mine was baby boomers, they have the unfortunate upbringing of expecting everything instantly and if they have to wait, oh my goodness. Do you get upset if you get messages like my title? I had settled into one of my favorite coffee shops only to be told the WiFi was ‘down’ the horrible word. Oh well time to be joyful and kind and move on regardless. 

Can you have peace when things are not going as expected? There are many tests in life and I believe they are good testing ground for all sorts of things. When you ask Jesus to be Lord of your life there is no promise of no troubles and as a matter of fact if you did not have trouble how would you get stronger spiritual muscles. Ponder that and have a good day. 

PRAYER:Lord I thank you for the little and big things that come my way to help me develop and grow spiritual muscles. If I never had a challenge I would be weak. I pray for strength to make it through each and every trial that comes my way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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